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Tournament Rules and Forms

United Fishing Tournaments Rules 


Tournament Director’s interpretation of rules is final.  


Registration and release wavier must be completed to participate in UFT tournaments.  


Participants must be over the age of 18 or fish with an adult. 


Single fisherman or two fishermen must be registered as one boat. Only one sub can be utilized for two events. A sub can only participate for one team. All subs must be preapproved by the tournament director.


Teams participating in big fish can only submit one fish at weigh-in. Big fish is weighed first. 


Blast-off boat numbers will be assigned during pre-registration or during live well checks.  


Life jackets must be worn any time the big motor is running. 


Safety kill switch must be functional and attached to the life jacket. There will be a kill switch check before takeoff.  


Navigational lights must be functional and on at the time of takeoff. 


Live well checks and boat safety checks will be performed the morning of the tournament. A ribbon will be tied to the trolling motor.


State DNR game laws must be followed. 


US Coast Guard safety rules must be followed. Motor must be rated for boat size. 15’ or larger boat requirement and must have a working live-well. 


There will be a five bass limit (Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted bass). 


Only five fish are allowed in the live well at any time, the new fish shall not be added to the live well until the culled fish is removed. All boats are subject to on water inspection. 


All fish must be caught during posted tournament hours. 


Weighing in a dead fish is up to the discretion of the tournament director. If dead fish is approved, then 0.5-pound penalty deducted from total weight. If weighing a dead big fish, then 0.5-pound penalty will be deducted from big fish weight. No culling dead fish.  


Only artificial lures are allowed. No live or dead bait can be used.  


All fish must have one hook inside the mouth. Winners are subject to lie detector testing.  


Only one fishing bait can be in the water at a time. All other lures must be in the boat before casting another lure. (A lure hanging off the side of the boat in the water is considered a bait in-use).  There is no trolling or dragging fishing bait are allowed. All bait must be cast and retrieved by single poled angler. Umbrella rigs are permitted but must follow state DNR game laws.  


No fishing within 100 feet from weigh in station.  


No fishing within 100 feet of an anchored boat, please use best judgment and be courteous to other fishermen in the tournament and not in the tournament. 


No cell phone use during tournament that provides, location or activity of fish or GPS location tracking. Cell phone use is only for safety. 


Boats must stay within navigable waters outlined during pre-tournament meeting. Fishermen may not leave the boat and re-enter the boat to gain an advantage.


Fish must be in a weigh-in bag or aerated cooler and checked by an official prior to weighing fish. Only five fish can be in the weigh-in bag or cooler. When fish are brought to the weigh-in line, if there are more than five fish in bag or cooler the team will be DQ.  

Fish in weigh-in bags or cooler must be over or within the legal-size restrictions set by the DNR. All fish must be measured on a golden rule with mouth closed and tail pinched. Any fish measured by tournament official in weigh-in line that does not meet the tournament guidelines a 1-pound penalty for each fish will be deducted from total weight plus loss of that fish.  


For every minute late to the check in station (which will be announced at the pre-tournament meeting), one pound per minute will be deducted from the total weight. Boat is DQ after 5 minutes late to the check-in area. The official clock of the tournament director will be used, and an official time will be given at takeoff.  


Winners of prizes must have their photo taken.  


Any photos or videos taken during tournaments are property of UFT and can be used by sponsors or UFT.  

Registration Form

Release of Liability

In agreement to participate in Untied Fishing Tournament events I and team members understand and agree that: You knowingly and freely assume all such risk associated with participating in UFT events, including the potential for permanent paralyze or death or serious injury. The participant assumes full responsibility for participating in UFT events. The participant acknowledges that UFT has no control over other participants. I myself and on behalf of my heirs and next to kin release and hold harmless United Fishing Tournaments, their officials, employees, sponsors, owners, with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss of property associated with presence or participation, whether arising from the negligence of the releases or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law. The participant had read this release fully and understand its terms and have signed freely and voluntarily.

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